Spiritual Multiplication
forms the core of the work of Campus Crusade for Christ.
As a movement we are committed to :
- The fulfillment of the Great Commission.
- Total dependence on the ministry and power of the Holy
Spirit, prayer and God's inspired inerrant Word.
- The realization of the Lordship of Christ - that Jesus
is preeminent in our lives and ministries and has our full
- The use of transferable methods and materials in our training
and discipleship ministries.
- The development of national leadership for our ministries
at every level.
- The increasing development of local financial resources
for the operations of the ministry in our nation.
- The encouragement of unified team effort for the fulfillment
of the Great Commission.
- Win- We seek to win people to Christ
by employing every relevant and effective means.
- Build- After winning them to Christ,
we are committed in building believers in their faith in
Christ. The believers are built through one-to-one follow-up,
small group Bible studies and discipleship.
- Send- You do not need to be a pastor
or an evangelist to win and build others to Christ. Once
built and trained you have the potential to bear fruit for
Christ wherever you are! You can also participate in local
or overseas missions.