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  • A perspective on the person Jesus Christ and His claim to be the Son of God.
  • Explore the different views on the historical personage of Jesus, and see a Biblically based determination of His true identity.
  • Practical Principles for Spreading Profound Truth.
  • This handy reference page will help you make your time with the Lord more spiritually rewarding. It provides simple steps for beginning and ending your fast, suggests a practical plan for prayer, and offers an easy-to-follow daily nutritional schedule. Also take a look at the Fasting & Prayer Conference!
  • This study will explain why you should fast, how to fast safely, what type of fast is right for you, and much more. This site also contains QuickTime clips of Dr. Bright.
  • In cooperation with Tyndale Publishing, read through the entire Bible in just one year, online, with this insightful devotional commentary by David Walker that makes your journey even richer and more meaningful.
  • A daily devotional, by Dr. Bill Bright, that is updated daily to bring a lift to ones day and to share the Promises in God's Word.
  • Spend a few minutes every day to take a deeper look at God's Word through this unique verse-by-verse Bible study by Dr. Grant Richison.
  • Available in a growing number of languages. Have you made the wonderful discovery of the Spirit Filled Life. shares how followers of Jesus can experience God's power and forgiveness in their daily lives.
  • Powerful stories of men, women, churches, and cities who are changing their world through fasting and prayer.
  • Learn how you can share your faith through hosting events in your home!
  • Every day more and more people everywhere are getting excited about Jesus of Nazereth. Wherever the true message of Jesus Christ has gone, people and nations have been revolutionized, resulting in new life, new hope, and new purpose for living.
  • Step 1: The Christian Adventure

    Have you been living in spiritual defeat - powerless and wondering if you can make it as a Christian? This study will show you how to enjoy what millions of other Christians around the world have experienced - the adventure of a full, abundant, purposeful and fruitful life in Christ.

  • Have you ever wondered if there was something more exciting than you are experiencing as a Christian? This step describes the Christian way of life - what it is and how it works practically. The study discusses the problems of sin and temptation and the spiritual warfare of life.
  • Step 3: The Christian and the Holy Spirit

    Is your life filled with purpose and power? Are you living in joy and victory? Or does your Christian life seem dull? Discover how the revolutionary power of the Holy Spirit can help you rise above your discouragement and defeat and move into a life filled with God's supernatural power.

  • Step 4: The Christian and Prayer

    Prayer is the most revolutionary source of power known to man. This step will teach you how to tap into this power. The truths you learn will ignite your spirit.

  • Step 5: The Christian and the Bible

    The Bible - God's holy, inspired Word - is without comparison. The heart-warming story of God's love for mankind, the Bible is an exciting and joyful adventure of reading, meditation and study. No other book written can equal it. And no one can live a full, abundant, supernatural life without daily drawing upon the supernatural resources of God's word.

  • Step 6: The Christian and Obedience

    What is the secret to personal purity and power as a Christian? How can you experience a deep, abiding sense of God's holy presence as a way of life? Surrendering to the will of God and living daily in His grace is the key.

  • Step 7: The Christian and Witnessing

    Now you can learn to share your faith with confidence in the power of the Holy Spirit. The principles presented in this step have been learned on the front line of experience. They have changed millions of silent, guilt-ridden Christians into radiant witnesses for our Lord.

  • Step 8: The Christian and Giving

    Does God reserve a special blessing for those who give generously to His work? Does the "Law of the Harvest" hold true today? Can you give liberally and still miss God's blessing? Learn the answers to these and many other vital questions concerning your money.

  • Step 9: Exploring the Old Testament

    Is the Old Testament a big mystery to you? Do you wonder if it is really important for the Christian? What does the Bible mean when it talks about a time of law and a time of grace? And who are some of the major players in the drama of God's dealings with mankind? This step explores the answers and shows what God did to prepare the way for Jesus Christ.

  • What is the key idea of each book in the New Testament? Why do we have four Gospels? Why did Paul write so many letters? And what is in store for us in the not-too-distant future? This step explores the answers and surveys the message of the New Testament as a whole. The study shows the focus of the four Gospels and highlights the exciting beginning of the Church.
  • Transferable Concepts (also available in Spanish)
  • How You Can Be Sure You Are a Christian gets right to the heart of the gospel message -- that Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ which begins through an act of the will by faith.
  • How You Can Experience God's Love and Forgiveness illustrates that God has an exciting and victorious plan for those who accept His forgiveness from sin and obey His command to be controlled daily, moment by moment, by the Holy Spirit.
  • How You Can Be Filled with the Holy Spirit teaches that believers must be filled with the Spirit by faith in order to live a victorious and fruitful Christian life.
  • How You Can Walk in the Spirit instructs Christians how to live in the resurrection power of Jesus Christ on a daily basis. This booklet teaches Christians how to face real-life problems and disappointments in the power of the Holy Spirit. It also illustrates how the Holy Spirit can enable you to victorious over temptations of the world, the flesh and the devil.
  • No other adventure in life can compare with that of witnessing for Christ in the Power of the Holy Spirit. How You Can Be a Fruitful Witness spells out the spiritual preparation and practical skills you need to introduce others to Christ.
  • Many millions in numerous cultures throughout the world have been introduced to Christ by reading the Four Spiritual Laws. This home page teaches you how to use this same simple tool to present the gospel to your friends, neighbors and loved ones in the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • How You Can Help Fulfill the Great Commission (also available in Spanish)
    How You Can Help Fulfill the Great Commission examines the command of Jesus to evangelize and disciple the world -- the greatest command of all time given by the greatest person who ever lived! Christians today face the unprecedented opportunity of fulfilling the Great Commission in this generation.
  • How You Can Love By Faith illustrates how every Christian can actually possess and demonstrate in daily life the supernatural agape (love) of Christ by faith. This unique, radical love changed the First Century world and continues to be the driving force that draws unbelievers to Christ. This home page demonstrates how agape can reconcile enemies and break down barriers of class, color and race.
  • How You Can Pray with Confidence teaches that God unleashes His power through prayers of Spiritfilled, trusting believers. Drawing from Scripture, church history and personal experience, Dr. Bill Bright illustrates how faithful Christians have helped to change the course of history through persistent prayer.
  • How You Can Experience the Adventure of Giving provides proof that sacrificial giving can become a thrilling and rewarding adventure in the life of every Christian to prayerfully evaluate the ultimate destinations of their gifts.


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UGANDA: RUC 2007 -Reaching Uganda Campuses. 15th August to 15th September 2007.

Download the Brochure:

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The Project fee is US$200 per person for accomodation, meals and transport during the project. This amount does not include transport costs to and from Uganda.

Register for the project Today.

Click here to register.


There will be a special Pamoja Conference exclusively for professionals. Look out for further details.
For many, Pamoja was a great experience for a lifetime.
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